A Virtual Solution for Dancers
Did your Mom drag you to your sister’s dance recitals year after year? Or did you get to perform in them yourself? Think back to the number of young dancers in those recitals and just guess how many people took ballet, jazz, modern dance, and hip hop when younger… there are millions of us! Only a teeny tiny percentage became professional dancers. The rest of us grew into adults who may take fitness classes, but they fail to truly fill that dancing void. Despite wanting to dance again, we don’t want to join expensive dance studio classes where we are required to stand at the barre next to children and teenagers–yet mainstream adult fitness classes bore us to tears! We desperately want to dance again (and reclaim our dancer’s bodies) but only in safe, adults-only classes that use ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance moves, with mild hip-hop (not teenage-style “break-your-hip” hop). Trust me, there are millions of former dancers who feel this way – it’s a huge untapped market – and we will join and will love fitness facilities which offer us a good solution.
Enter the brilliant partnership between The Dancer’s Workout® and Fitness On Demand™. The Dancer’s Workout® (TDW) was created by Jules Szabo, a professionally trained ballerina who lived out this story herself and who then designed a solution for other former dancers who wanted to return to dance as adults. Starting as a young dancer, Jules attended the University of North Carolina School of the Arts for high school and received four years of intensive classical ballet and modern dance training before abandoning her point shoes for college. Following college graduation, she pursued a career in the biotechnology industry, started a family, finished graduate school, and didn’t dance. Fifteen years slipped by before Jules returned to dance as an adult, which meant facing the humiliation of actually taking ballet and jazz classes beside young teenagers who simply were not older, overweight, or out of shape. This experience, along with Jules’ infectious love of dance, was the impetus for her creation of The Dancer’s Workout®, a program of one-hour, adults-only, dance fitness classes which use choreographed ballet, jazz, contemporary dance, mild hip-hop, and toning exercises to deliver a truly exhilarating adult dance fitness experience.
Her intricate choreography, which builds upon itself throughout each one-hour class, is super fun, inspirational, interesting, and safely challenging. These clever classes add pop and flair to traditional elements of ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance, enable us to safely re-live our joyful, younger days as dancers, burn upwards of 700 calories per class, and finally, once again, allow us to achieve our daily fitness goals through dance. Since its creation, Jules has taught The Dancer’s Workout® extensively and has re-introduced dance into the adult lives of hundreds of dancers, many of whom continue to take her classes 3-4 times per week. Jules has brilliantly choreographed and videotaped 20+ unique, exciting dance fitness classes, which are each named (e.g., “Casting Spells with All That Jazz,” Twinkle Twinkle, Naughty Boy!, Good Girls and Dragonflies, etc.) and which feature many of the adult ballet/jazz/contemporary dancers who returned to dance through The Dancer’s Workout® classes. This year, in recognition, Jules was invited to be a member of the International Dance Council (CID) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), an elite international council of dancers and dance teachers. With the goal of reaching additional current and former dancers who are seeking a safe, affordable, time-flexible, and inspirational dance fitness solution, Jules has also teamed up with Fitness On Demand™ to leverage state-of-the-art virtual exercise class technology and to provide 24/7 accessibility to The Dancer’s Workout® classes.[/vc_column_text][vcex_teaser text_align="center" style="two" heading=""]"The partnership between The Dancer’s Workout® and Fitness On Demand™ fundamentally changes the way in which adult dancers can re-incorporate dance into their daily lives. We are excited that this affordable and flexible platform will enable us to reach and therefore change the lives of so many current and former dancers."
This is the solution adult dancers have been seeking and Fitness On Demand™ is making it accessible to facilities across the globe! By offering The Dancer’s Workout® virtual classes, and encouraging dancers to "Rediscover the Dancer Within You," these facilities are quickly becoming a hub for one of the most highly sought after and exciting dance fitness classes on the market.
To see what all the fuss is about, take a peek at The Dancer’s Workout® sample class which is currently available on all FOD™ systems through the standard library. Then subscribe to The Dancer’s Workout® channel to offer and advertise the full complement of classes. You can subscribe to the channel by accessing the “Classes” page of your Web-Management Portal or by contacting Fitness On Demand™. Join the TDW Movement today and watch how we grown recital girls start waltzing right into your facility.
