This month, In the Spotlight heads Down Under to check in with Blake Jackson, Club manager, SNAP Fitness in Bellbowrie, Queensland, Australia.
Tell us a little about your club, Blake?
We celebrated ten years in 2020 – quite an unusual year for any kind of celebration – and just 12 months after we relocated to a larger location because of continued growth. Like many SNAP Fitness locations we really offer it all –
extensive free weights workout areas, pin-loaded equipment, cardio and also some specialty features including a boxing pit and sled track. We’re a rapidly growing and welcoming community of members and expert instructors. You should come and visit.
How was 2020 for your members?
Our members all have an amazing attitude when it comes to working out and staying on track with their goals, so we looked for ways to engage them during times clubs were locked down. That included regular check-ins with members and a fun 28-day challenge with online workouts from home, other custom challenges and specialty meal planning to help members eat nutritiously and mindfully while they weren’t out of their homes as much. We also used social media and posted about what our staff were up to at home as well as workout videos, favorite meal suggestions and encouraged them and our members to share their thoughts to help everyone stay motivated and generally positive.
How is FitnessOnDemand working for your members?

We’re a very tech forward club, offering members an app training program as well as virtual meal planning.
FOD is a great fit with this approach and has been popular with members from day one. Many group fitness class members are also doing virtual classes and stretch, yoga and bike classes have all been popular with individual members. We’re seeing small groups of friends doing their own small group HIIT and dance classes too.
