This month we've released 18 new virtual classes on our Platinum membership for commercial users and the FitnessOnDemand mobile app. Included are classes from brand new providers FitSteps and BEMAX, as well as the new SPORT series from Power Music Group Rx. Preview the new classes below and challenge yourself to a new workout today!
This selection of classes has been developed for anyone who wants to get fit quick, while having fun dancing. It is easy to follow and has your favorite dance moves! It is great for everyone, even if you have never tried a dance fitness workout before. You can up the intensity to work harder, or keep it a lower intensity to begin with. Strictly Fun!
FitFusion BEMAX
BEMAX is the fitness brand you trust to bring you the BEST in total body fitness! Work out with the best— the former FIRM Instructors, and build the body you’ve always wanted! If health and fitness are your goals, count on BEMAX to get you there!
Power Music Group Rx SPORT
Functional core movements and basic strength training come together to create a total body workout that fits everybody, from the beginner to the experienced athlete. The moves are basic, yet progressive. The choreography is simple and engaging using strategically chosen athletic exercises focusing on cardio, strength, balance and core training.
These classes and more are available now on all FitnessOnDemand virtual exercise platforms through our Platinum membership. Download the FitnessOnDemand mobile app for iOS and Android for access to hundreds of workout options on the go.
