Announcement: FitnessOnDemand Withdraws from IHRSA 2020

If there’s one major event our company, customers and the fitness industry look forward to each year, it’s IHRSA. So it’s with sadness and an abundance of caution, we announce that FitnessOnDemand is reluctantly withdrawing from this year’s show in San Diego.
We appreciate all of the rapid efforts and protocols put into place by IHRSA’s organizing committee and their operational team to keep attendees safe amid these troubling times with the spread of coronavirus. But as other companies are announcing, we too feel it’s prudent for the continued well-being of our staff, customers and show contacts that we take this path – a particularly difficult decision given our excitement over the impending introduction of a planned new product launch from FitnessOnDemand.
Our company mantra is Virtually Anywhere, so while we won’t be in San Diego, we will be bringing that new product launch to club operators everywhere in the coming weeks. We’re exploring options to allow our customers and interested new clubs ways to experience this in a completely virtual manner.
Stay tuned for updates and news and we look forward to seeing you soon.
