Cutting the Cord on Your Workouts
If you’re watching Apple TV’s (incredibly funny) new 80s show Physical, about the rise of aerobics, you’ll see a textbook accurate look at what group classes used to look like until not that long ago. The only way to workout was at the gym in the studio behind closed doors. Fast forward and thankfully our workouts go where we go: at home, in the club, on the go. July 4th blew by but that’s no reason not to exercise our independence and make sure to get the most out of any workout wherever we drop a mat.
Total Club Convenience
Missed your slot in tomorrow’s bike class? Can’t make it to your personal training session today because you’re stuck behind your desk? Clubs now offer total 360-degree convenience by blending live, instructor-led classes throughout the week with often deep portfolios of on-demand classes that support what you’re learning or perfecting in the studio. That means instructor-led bike, treadmill and elliptical equipment-based classes, group fitness-like HHIT, and more specialty sessions to build core strength, flexibility or fine tune technique.
If you can’t make your live class, find some studio time and workout on your time and terms with a virtual session. Remember digital isn’t just for home or the worst times of the pandemic. It’s a central component of club life now.
Virtually Anywhere Fitness
We’re not stuck at home now and in fact American travel is at a record pace already this year. If you’re traveling to a hotel for a break or a boardroom meeting this summer, or juggling a hybrid work life in the office and at home, you work out plan now travels with you. FLEX by
FitnessOnDemand is one of a few leading platforms that allows users to access the same classes, workouts and winddowns as they do in the gym, wherever they are. HIIT, bike, core-strength, yoga and all kinds of specialty muscle group exercises are all available at the touch of a button.
The Handheld Gym is Here
Your smartphone can fill the gap between club, workplace gym or home workouts easily now. There’s already a vast amount of free, instructor and self-guided classes and content available through many social channels. But that’s a time consuming
