The 3 Reasons Why Talks Hospitality With Business Development Executive, Mike Ault
In our continuing series, showcasing the people and skills of FitnessOnDemand, this month 3 Reasons Why checks in with Mike Ault, Business Development Executive - Hospitality

Q: Mike you told us, you wear a lot of hats for FitnessOnDemand? What’s your day to day look like?
A: Ha! Very true. But that’s what I love about my job. I work mostly with our clients in the hospitality category, and that can be everyone from individual hotel location managers using our fitness system and content in their gyms or connecting with our close contacts at head offices as they expand their needs. Each day can be different, but I’m really focused on ensuring whoever is on the other end of the call continues to have an exceptional experience with our brand, product and services, and of course growing our business. I’d say I am 90 percent focused on our hospitality, travel and leisure clients – because there’s a huge and growing demand from hotels for our product and services – but I also provide support for our club and gym clients too. Busy, fun days.
Q: Why is the hotel category growing so quickly?
Hotels are all about creating customized, personalized guest experiences. Over the past few years you’ve seen almost every hotel chain and brand undergo brand refreshes, inside and out. Now the best brands (large and small) are looking at how they can continue to create truly exceptional experiences from the moment a guest walks into the lobby. Fitness is the next hospitality frontier and everyone knows it’s a huge opportunity for creating positive experiences and building guest loyalty.
Square footage is big money in the hotel industry. Hotels can’t afford to devote the kinds of large studios required for live fitness classes, or staff them with instructors, when only a handful of guests might show up at any given time. But we’ve heard that virtual classes and on-demand digital content is a benefit to both hotel managers and their guests. Our FitnessOnDemand systems and catalog of hundreds of classes and workouts helps hotels create a premium workout experience for every guest without requiring large floor spaces, expensive equipment or in-studio staff. Guests love the ability to continue their workouts from their home gym while on the road too.

Q: We know you are passionate about your job. How did you get into the fitness industry originally?
A: I was always an athlete in school: working out, lifting weights and bodybuilding for a while. I knew after school, I wanted to work in the fitness industry in some way. For a number of years I was in sports nutrition retail and loved interacting with customers to help them with their goals. My job now gives me the same reward for sure, but on a much more macro scale. Now I’m working with our technology and connecting it with the kinds of brands and global organizations that can bring amazing fitness benefits to many more people across the country and around the world.
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